Default Resource Types

A resource is an entity that you can use to track bookings, availability of desks, and private offices. Usually, a resource is attached to a shape (such as a desk) or zone (such as an office) on the floorplan.‎ 

Default Resource Types

OfficeRnD Hybrid exposes a few default resource types:

Resource Type
Dedicated Desk A resource that represents fixed/dedicated desks that you can assign to employees for long-term usage.
Hot Desk A resource that represents hot/flex desks that cannot be assigned but can be booked. Hotdesks are used to track flexible, day-to-day usage.
Private Office A resource that represents an office on the floorplan. It can be assigned to employees.
Meeting Room A resource that represents the meeting rooms on the floorplan. This resource is bookable on an hourly, half-day or full-day basis.


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