Add Office Maps, Resources and Configure Booking Settings

I. Add Your Locations, Office Maps, and Resources

You need to:

  1. Add your locations.
  2. Add your Office Maps.
  3. Add resources on the Office Maps - desks, meeting rooms, offices.
  4. Optionally, add custom resources. OfficeRnD Hybrid comes with a predefined set of resources - desks, offices, and meeting rooms. If you want to add more bookable resources for employees, follow these steps.

II. Configure the Booking Permissions

Navigate to Settings/Organization and open the Booking Permissions tab to:

  • Forbid employees from booking outside business hours.
  • Allow parallel bookings for employees booking a resource type desk when they already have a booking for the same time slot. The restriction doesn't apply to team leads and admins.

booking perms.png

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