Here you can list all of the benefits that your members can have access to, once they join your coworking space. You can also create custom benefit pages. Click here to learn more.
- Log into the OfficeRnD Flex Admin Portal.
- Navigate to the Collaboration module and add/update the Benefits.
Step-By-Step Guide
1. Log into the OfficeRnD Flex Admin Portal.
2. Navigate to Collaboration/Benefits and click Add Benefit to create a new custom benefit.
You can also edit existing benefits by simply clicking on them.
5. Add Benefit Overview
The details, which you can specify are:
- Name
- Location (if applicable)- the location to which this benefit will apply.
- Description
- Category - you can sort the benefits by category in the members portal. Each category will appear as a separate tab.
- URL - you can include an external URL for the benefit.
- Logo - With the preferred size of 150px width by 150px height
- Cover Image - With the preferred size of 865px width by 454 height
- Content
6. Click on Add to create the benefit
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