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[Getting Started] Add How-To Guides
Updated over a month ago


Here, you can let your coworking members know how to set up their printers or emergency evacuation procedures by creating a How-To Guide, which would appear on the Members Portal Dashboard. Learn more.

  1. Go to the Collaboration module and add/update the How to Guides.

Step-By-Step Guide

2. Go to Collaboration > How-To Guides.

3. Click Add Article.

add article.png

4. Add How to Guide

When you are adding or editing a How-To Guide, you will have the following options:

  • Name - Enter a Name for the guide.

  • Locations - Select the Locations this Guide is available from, or leave the field blank to ensure the Guide is available to all members.

  • Content - Enter the content of the Guide.

  • File - You can attach a file with instructions that can be downloaded by members viewing the guide.

  • URL - You can set a URL that your members can follow when viewing the Guide - it can redirect them to a more detailed guide or other resources that are not in the RnD system.

add howto.png

5. Click Add to create the article.

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