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[Flex] How to Cancel or Delete a Booking
[Flex] How to Cancel or Delete a Booking
Updated today

In case of customers asking you to remove their booking, we recommend canceling the booking instead of deleting it.

What's the difference between canceling and deleting a booking?

When a booking is canceled, it remains recorded in OfficeRnD. This way, you can always check when the booking was originally requested and who asked for its cancellation.

Further, when you or a member cancels a booking, the cancellation policy is applied, ensuring the proper charge is applied to the customer account.

No record is kept when a booking is deleted, and no cancellation policies are applied.

How to Cancel a Booking from the Calendar View

  1. Open the Calendar module and find the booking on the calendar.

  2. Open the booking and click Cancel.

    cancel bkng.png

  3. Review the summary and decide if you want to apply a cancellation policy. Depending on the cancellation policy and how the booking was charged, the customer balance will be updated. For example, if the booking was made using coins or credits, those can be fully restored while related outstanding fees are removed.

  4. Confirm the cancellation.


How to Cancel a Booking Listed under Community/Bookings

When you open the Community module and go to Bookings, you will find a list of all bookings for the current month. This view is especially handy if you want to review and export a list of bookings in a specific timeframe.


Find the booking in the list (you can apply additional filters to help) and follow the steps outlined above.

How to Delete a Booking

To delete a booking, you can follow the steps for canceling a booking and clicking Delete instead of Cancel.

Can I Cancel Multiple Bookings At Once?

If you must cancel multiple bookings, let our team help you. Email us at [email protected] with a list of bookings.

  1. Go to Community > Bookings.

  2. Filter out the bookings you must cancel.

  3. Export the list as a CSV file using the Export button at the top right of the page.

  4. Send the exported list with more information on why you must cancel those bookings to [email protected].

How to Cancel Invoiced Bookings

When a booking was already invoiced, the system won't allow you to cancel it unless you take a few additional steps. The exact process is described in How to Edit or Cancel Invoiced or Waived Bookings.

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