It can be challenging to keep up with your community's needs, but OfficeRnD provides a simple way to do so. In the Members Portal, you can have members submit tickets, share feedback, and report any issues they want you to address.
Enable tickets for members
You can enable or disable the option for your members to submit tickets:
Go to Settings > Apps and open the Member Pages tab.
Scroll down and enable the feature Feedback Form / Submit a Ticket.
Click Update.
The Issues & Feedback features are always available internally, even if the option is disabled for your members.
Once the option is enabled for members, they can submit a ticket through the Members Portal:
1. By clicking on the Profile icon in the top-right and choosing Tickets from the menu.
2. From the Tickets section in their Account pages.
Submitting a ticket through the mobile app is only available with the Premium Apps Package.
Reviewing Tickets (Members)
Members can keep track of their unresolved tickets in the Account/Tickets section of the members portal. There, they can find replies by the Admin team and send more information about their issue if any questions arise.
Reviewing Tickets (Admins)
Admins can find all tickets in Collaboration/Tickets. This section has several tabs:
Tickets Dashboard - Shows Open tickets which are waiting for an Admin's attention.
Unassigned - Shows all tickets that are not assigned to a teammate.
Open - Shows all tickets that are currently open, regardless of assignment.
Pending - Shows Pending tickets waiting for a client's reply.
Resolved - Here, you can review all resolved tickets. Teammates can also edit tickets from this section.
The list can be narrowed using the search box
and the available filters:
Requester Company
Comments cannot be deleted. Once a reply has been sent out, it will stay there.
What to do next
The ticketing system in OfficeRnD can be set up to automatically assign tickets to the proper teammates based on Category. You can learn more about triggering this automation by heading over to Configure the Ticketing System.