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[Flex] Email Activity FAQ
Updated over a month ago

What is the Email Activity page used for?

The Email Activity page is used to review and track email notifications sent to admins, members, and non-members. It helps you monitor the communication history and ensure emails are delivered as expected. If a member states that an email was not received - you can see why here.

How far back can I view email activity?

Email activity starts tracking from the day the feature was enabled in your account. Initially, you will only see emails for one day, then two days, and so on, gradually increasing until you can view up to the past 30 days of email activity. This is the maximum period for which we track and display email communications in the email activity view.

Can I filter the emails displayed on the Email Activity page?

Yes, you can filter emails by category, date, recipient, and sender’s email address. This helps you narrow down the email activity to specific criteria.

What do the different email statuses mean?

The email statuses indicate the current state of each email:

  • Accepted - The email was accepted by the email server.

  • Rejected - The email was rejected by the email server.

  • Delivered - The email was successfully delivered to the recipient.

  • Failed to Deliver - It can be the following:

    • The message was not delivered to the recipient.

    • The email was not delivered to a recipient who had marked your messages as spam.

    • The email was not delivered to previously bounced addresses.

    • The email was not delivered to a recipient who has unsubscribed.

  • Opened - The email was opened by the recipient.

  • Clicked - The recipient clicked on a link in the email.

  • Unsubscribed - The recipient clicked on the unsubscribe link.

  • Sent - The email was successfully sent.

How can I view the details of a specific email?

You can click on the category, subject, or date of an email entry to open the detailed view of the email thread. This will show you the timeline of the email thread status changes and additional details.

Can I export the email activity data?

Currently, the Email Activity page does not support direct export functionality. However, you can use browser tools to print the details of a specific email thread.

Can I see who sent a specific email?

Yes, the Email Activity page displays the sender's email address for each email entry. This helps you identify the source of the email.

How can I search for emails sent to a specific recipient?

You can use the filter by recipient’s email address to search for emails sent to a specific recipient. This will display only the emails addressed to that recipient.

What does it mean when an email suppression is detected?

When an email suppression is detected, it means there is an issue preventing your email from being delivered. The email's status will be marked as "Failed", and you'll see a message explaining why the email couldn't be sent.

What are the common reasons for email suppressions and their explanations?

  • Marked as Spam - The email wasn't delivered because the recipient marked your previous emails as spam.

  • Bounced Address - The email wasn't delivered because previous emails to this address bounced back.

  • Unsubscribed - The email wasn't delivered because the recipient has unsubscribed from your emails.

What is the Clear Suppressions button and how does it help?

The Clear Suppressions button lets you attempt to remove the issues preventing your emails from being delivered. This can help ensure your emails reach the recipient.

What happens when I click the Clear Suppressions button?

When you click the button, a confirmation dialog will appear. This dialog lists all the issues preventing your email from being delivered. It also shows all additional suppressions detected for the recipient's email address.

What alert messages may I see regarding suppressions?

  • "The suppressions associated with the recipient address have been cleared." This appears when issues have been resolved.

  • "There are suppressions associated with the recipient address. Clear them to send emails successfully." This appears when we detect suppressions associated with the recipient’s email address.

  • "Emails are currently sent from the default domain. To clear suppressions, configure a custom domain for your account. " This appears when the platform detects that you’re using the default domain. The Clear Suppressions functionality is only available for accounts that use custom domains. Learn more about custom domains

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