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Statement of Accounts/Invoices
Updated over 3 months ago

The statement (also known as a customer statement, or statement of accounts) is a summary of all transactions between you and a specific customer for a period of time. In OfficeRnD the statement includes:

Amount Due Total - This might be positive (if the customer owes you money), negative (if you own them money), or zero (if all payments have been settled).

Date range - You can create a statement that covers a specific month, year, or quarter. Or you might want to show every single transaction between you and your customer. Either way, you can select a start date of the transactions to meet your needs.

Every transaction made within the specified date range, including invoices, credit notes, and payments.

Document numbers to describe each transaction. This includes the numbers from invoices, credit notes, and payment receipts.

Contact details for you and your customer – including company name, address, phone number, or email address.

Payment Details - particularly important if your customer has an outstanding balance.

How to View the Statement

To view the statement of accounts:

  • Open any company or member profile page.

  • Click on the Invoices tab.

  • Click on the View Statement button.


Statement dialog options

The Statement button opens the following dialog:

  • There is a Start date filter you can use to specify from which date onward you'd like to start the list of invoices. This way, you won't be seeing the full list of invoices every time.

  • The Include not overdue invoices option allows you to view invoices that are not yet due but are still pending.

    If there's a partial payment recorded for a pending invoice, or the invoice was paid in full, the amounts that have been paid will be included in the calculation for the selected date period - even if you don't enable the Include not overdue invoices option.

  • By default, the system will show you invoices for the selected period that are either paid or overdue

  • At the bottom of the list of invoices, you'll see the total amount due for the customer. The Amount Due Total takes into account the specified Start date in the date filter as selected in the statement dialog. If there are overdue invoices with an issue date before the chosen date in the filter, then they won't be considered when calculating the total due amount.

Available Actions

Add payments - You can add payments to the invoices in the list. Please read our article on how to add payments.

Export - Download a .pdf file of the statement.

Send - Send the statement to the customer's email address.

The statement of accounts is always going to be sent to the Billing person(s) of the company. A statement will not be sent to the company's email address. Learn how to customize the Statement's export template here.

Further reading

To learn more about the different transaction types in OfficeRnD, head over to:

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