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[Member Portal] Shop Page
Updated over 2 months ago

In the Member Portal Shop page, you can purchase additional plans (memberships and one-offs) from your co-working space. The Shop page is different from the Marketplace page. The latter is a storefront for goods and services, i.e. food & beverage.


Filtering Plans

You can use the following filters:

  • Location - certain products are available only for specific locations. You can use this filter to view different locations and see what's available for each.
    If you click reset filters, then the plans that are available for all locations are going to be shown.

  • Categories - the products that are offered may be grouped into categories. If there are no categories set, this filter won't be visible as an option.

Purchasing Your Plan

Click on a plan to view more information about it and optional Extras whose price will be added to the total. If you want to, hit Add To Cart and you can immediately proceed with the Checkout menu which appears to the right.

There, you can see all of the relevant pricing information for the plan. You can also choose the quantity (number) of plans you want to purchase. Depending on the purchase flow, you may be charged immediately for your purchase. This is something that should be visible at the bottom of the checkout section.


On some plans, such as Private office plans, you can also edit the Start Date / Date - depending on whether you're purchasing a recurring plan or a one-off, you can select either the start date of your membership, or the date of your fee.


Note: If you purchase a recurring membership and you change the start date, proration could occur for the first month of the period. In that case, the price of the membership will change according to the rules set by your co-working space. Learn more about proration.


After you're done editing your purchase, you'll be able to see the following values at the bottom of the checkout section:

  • Processing Fees - this is the top-most field and usually occurs when you're using a credit/debit card to make a purchase.
    If the space doesn't collect processing fees, then you won't see this section.

  • Subtotal - the base price of the plan + any processing fees. VAT is excluded.

  • Tax- the tax applied to the subtotal.

  • Total - the sum of the subtotal and the tax values.

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