OfficeRnD gives you the option to waive fees. This can be useful when you don't want to charge the customer but want to keep a record of the fee in the system.
How to waive fees?
To waive a fee, follow these steps:
Open the company or member profile with unpaid one-off fees.
Scroll down to the One-off Fees section.
Click the cogwheel icon next to the unpaid one-off fee and select Mark as Waived.
If you want to invoice an already waived fee, change its status to Not Paid.
The Waived status prevents the system from invoicing or including the fee in revenue reports. However, you can keep the record in the system.
How to filter and export waived fees?
You can filter and export a list of waived fees. Go to Community > Fees and open the Waived tab. There, you can filter fees by Date, Bill to, Plan, and Customer.
You can also export fees to a .CSV file by selecting the fee(s) and clicking the Export button in the upper right corner of the screen.