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[Integration] Slack in Flex
Updated over 2 weeks ago

What is Slack?

Slack is a messaging application that is especially suitable for organizations. You can create a workspace where all your members will be invited to exchange messages, share files, and so on.

This happens in channels created by topic, project, or organization. Slack operates similarly to an internet relay chat(IRC); all content inside it is searchable - members, files, and conversations.

  • The integration was developed for Slack’s free version, and the respective API limitations apply. However, Slack doesn't officially support an API for the free version. The integration works now, but Slack might remove it from their free version somewhere in the future.

  • Currently, you can only have 50 pending invitations. This means that if you send 50 invites (synced members), you can send the 51st only when one of the 50 pending is accepted/declined.


  • Before connecting to OfficeRnD, you must create a workspace in Slack.

  • To set the integration up, you must be an administrator in the Slack organization.

  • If you use a paid Slack plan, you will be charged for members joining your workspace from the invites sent via OfficeRnD.

How can I integrate OfficeRnD with Slack?

To activate the integration, follow these steps:

1. Go to Settings > Integrations.

2. Click Other Integrations and click Add next to Slack.


3. A new window will appear, prompting you to choose the location for which you're adding the integration:
- You can add a single Slack workspace for all of your locations by leaving the locations field empty.
- Any newly added locations will be automatically added to the Slack workspace you've chosen.
- You can set up a separate workspace for each location depending on your use case.


4. Click Connect and authorize the integration.

What Options Can I Enable?

To start setting up the integration, click Configure.

The first tab in the integration settings is called Members Management.

Here is an option to automatically invite new members to Slack. If enabled, the integration will sync members with Slack based on the following options:

  • Sync only members with access to the members portal - if this is enabled, only members who have been enabled and can log in to the members portal will be invited into Slack.
    More information on inviting members to the members portal can be found here.

  • Plans - here you can select a plan to determine who gets invited to Slack. Any member who has been assigned a plan from this list will be synced.

  • Statuses - here you can select the status to determine who gets invited to Slack. Any member with one of the selected statuses will be automatically invited to Slack.

Note: If a member's status or plan changes but has already been invited to Slack, they will not be automatically removed from the Slack workspace. If you're using a paid Slack version, you must remove members manually.

The second tab in the integration settings is called Notifications Management.

Here, you can select where the different types of posts should be posted in Slack:

  • Info - select the channels where OfficeRnD should post informational posts created in Collaboration > Posts.

  • Important - select the channels where OfficeRnD should post important posts created in Collaboration > Posts.

  • Events- select the channels where OfficeRnD should post-event notifications created in Collaboration > Events.

Note: Only teammates with access to all locations can trigger posts in Slack. Learn more about teammates.

How Can Members Use the Slack Integration?

  1. When members open the members portal and go to Community, they find a Slack icon in every member's profile card. Clicking on that icon automatically opens the Slack Desktop application and enables direct chat communication.

  2. The Slack icon on Windows will only work if the member has installed the Slack desktop app. The same icon is available on the admin end of OfficeRnD, so your team can quickly open a chat window with any member or teammate directly from the Community > Members page in OfficeRnD.

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