The Orders dashboard helps you track orders of goods made by members in your Marketplace.
Right-click any value in the charts to drill down and see its details on an order level.
Before you start
Dashboard overview
The widgets at the top of the dashboard provide an overview of data for your organization's orders:
Total Orders – The total number of orders over the specified time period.
Total Orders Amount – The total number of orders over the specified time period.
Average Order Amount – The average order amount over the specified period.
Average Items per Order – The average number of order items per order over the specified time period.
Number of Orders by Location and Status
The total number of orders grouped by their location and status.
Orders Total Amount by Location and Status
The total amount of the orders is grouped by location and status.
Number of Orders by Location and Hour of Day
The total number of orders grouped by their location and the hour of the day.
Number of Orders by Location and Day
The total number of orders grouped by their location and date.
Orders and Total Amounts by Store
The total number of orders and their total amount grouped by store.
Number of Orders by Store and Status
The total number of orders grouped by their status and store.
Orders by Delivery Method
The total number of orders grouped by their delivery method.
Goods by Number of Orders
The total number of orders that include each specific item
Number of Orders by Member
The total number of orders placed by each member.
Total Orders Amount by Member
The total number of orders placed by each member.