OfficeRnD Flex comes with predefined receipt and statement templates for the PDF document generated when a receipt or a statement is created.
Customize the receipt and statement templates
If you want to customize any of the default templates, you can:
Go to Settings > Templates > Invoices.
Open the template for receipts or statements.
Edit or clone it.
Primary properties
Property/ | Description |
documentType | Returns the document type: "Invoice" or "Overpayment". |
logoUrl | Returns the URL to the organization's logo. |
name | Returns the name of the company or the member to whom the invoice is issued. |
generatedOnDate | Returns the date when the receipt was generated. Format: "Feb 11, 2025". |
paidDate | Returns the date when the charge was paid. Format: mm/dd/yyyy. |
recipient | Returns the company member who received the receipt. |
paymentMethod |
paymentReference |
paymentNumber |
remainingCredit | Returns the current |
totalAmountApplied |
totalPaid |
allocations | Returns the allocations for the current document.
currency.code | Returns the currency code. For example, USD. |
currency.symbol | Returns the currency symbol. For example, $. |
currency.thousandsSeparator | Returns the thousands separator for the currency. For example, ",". |
currency.decimalSeparator | Returns the decimal separator for the currency. For example, ".". |
currency.symbolOnLeft |
currency.spaceBetweenAmountAndSymbol | Returns "true" or "false" to indicate whether there is space between the amount and the currency symbol. |
currency.decimalDigits | Returns the number of decimal digits displayed. |
organizationLock.endDate | Returns the billing lock date, as configured in your OfficeRnD Flex account. |
organizationCreditNotes.allowAllocationToOtherLocations | Returns "true" or "false" to indicate whether the organization supports allocating Credit Notes created in one location to invoices in other locations. Learn more about allocating Credit Notes → |
organizationLogoUrl | Returns the URL to the Organization's logo. |
organizationAccountBic | Returns the BIC of your bank account, as set under Settings > My Account > Billing Details. |
organizationRegId | Returns the Organization's registration number, as set under Settings > My Account > Billing Details. |
organizationName | Returns the business name of your account in OfficeRnD Flex, as set under Settings > My Account > Billing Details. |
organizationCity | Returns the city of your Organization, as set under Settings > My Account > Billing Details. |
organizationAddress | Returns the address of your Organization, as set under Settings > My Account > Billing Details. |
organizationAccountBank | Returns your Organization's bank name, as set under Settings > My Account > Billing Details. |
organizationAccountIban | Returns the IBAN of your bank account, as set under Settings > My Account > Billing Details. |
organizationVatId | Returns your Organization's VAT ID VAT ID (tax number), as set under Settings > My Account > Billing Details. |
customer.currency | Returns the currency of the company or member to whom the invoice is issued. |
customer.sendOverdueReminders | Returns "true" or "false" to indicate whether the customer will receive overdue reminders. Learn more about excluding Companies and Members from overdue reminders → | | Returns the customer's name. If a business name is added to the Billing Details field of the customer's profile, the system will use that one instead of the customer's name. |
customer.recipient | Returns the Member's name or the Company's billing person name to whom the invoice is issued. |
Properties for invoice receipts
Property/ | Description |
paymentMethod | Returns the payment method of the charge. |
paymentReference | Returns the reference number of the charge. |
paymentNumber | Returns the payment number of the charge. |
remainingCredit | Returns 0 for all invoices. |
totalAmountApplied | Returns the amount of the charge. Applies to the "Total Paid" and "Total Amount Applied To Invoice" lines in the default template. |
totalPaid | Equals |
allocations |
invoice.amount | Returns the invoice total amount with taxes. |
invoice.subtotal | Returns the invoice total amount without taxes. |
invoice.payableAmount | Returns the amount to be paid |
invoice.paidAmount | Returns the total paid amount. |
invoice.invoiceDate | Returns the invoice date. |
invoice.number | Returns the invoice number. |
invoice.issueDate | Returns the date when the invoice was created. Format: mm/dd/yyyy. | | Returns a list of custom invoice properties. |
Invoices partially paid with one charge: |
Invoice Total = 100 Amount Paid, Total Paid, Total Amount Applied To Invoice = 30 Amount Due = 70 Remaining Credit = 0
Invoices partially paid with one charge and a Credit Note allocation: |
Invoice Total = 100 Amount Paid, Total Paid, Total Amount Applied To Invoice = 30 CN’s amount = 20 Amount Due = 50 = 70 – 20 = Remaining amount – CN’s amount Remaining Credit = 0
Invoices fully paid with one charge: |
Invoice Total = 100 Amount Paid, Total Paid, Total Amount Applied To Invoice = 100 Amount Due = 0 Remaining Credit = 0
Invoices fully paid with multiple charges: |
Charge 1:
Charge 2:
This property provides a list of the line items included in the receipt. It is a collection of items; therefore, it must be traversed by a for cycle. For invoice receipts, line items represent charges.
By traversing the collection of line items, you can display the following information about each item added to the receipt:
Property/ | Description |
items[0].createdAt | Returns the time when the line item was created. Format: yyyy-mm-ddT00:00:00.000Z. For example: 2025-02-07T07:24:23.661Z. |
items[0].office | Returns the id of the location of the line item. For example: 5da6ec4006d63f01764e3abc. |
items[0].payment | Returns the payment ID for the line item. For example: 679db8e910a68c2a32a396e4. |
items[0].currency | Returns the currency of the line item. For example, "USD". |
items[0].source | Returns the document's source, indicating where it was created: either in OfficeRnD or one of our accounting integrations (Xero or QuickBooks). |
items[0].status | Returns the invoice status. Learn more about the invoice statuses → |
items[0].refundStatus | Returns the refund status of the line item. Possible values: "refunded" and "non_refunded". |
items[0].number | Returns the order number of the line item. |
Properties for Overpayment receipts
Property/ | Description |
paymentMethod | Returns the payment method of the Overpayment. |
paymentReference | Returns the reference number of the Overpayment. |
paymentNumber | Returns the payment number of the Overpayment. |
remainingCredit | Returns the remaining credit or |
totalAmountApplied | Returns the sum amount of the allocations. Applies to the "Total Paid" and "Total Amount Applied To Invoice" lines in the default template. |
totalPaid | Equals |
allocations |
Non-allocated Overpayments: |
Invoice Total, Amount Paid, Amount Due = undefined Total Amount Applied To Invoice = 0 Amount Paid, Total Paid, Remaining Credit = 100
Overpayments with one allocation: |
Invoice Total, Amount Paid, Total Paid, Total Amount Applied To Invoice = 60 Amount Due = 0 (always 0 for Overpayment receipts) Remaining Credit = 40
Overpayments with multiple allocations: |
Invoice Total (of allocation 1) = 10; Invoice Total (of allocation 2) = 20 Amount Paid (of allocation 1) = 10; Amount Paid (of allocation 2) = 20 Total Paid, Total Amount Applied To Invoice = 30 Amount Due = 0 (always 0 for Overpayment receipts) Remaining Credit = 70
This property provides a list of the line items included in the receipt. It is a collection of items; therefore, it must be traversed by a for cycle. For Overpayment receipts, line items represent charges.
By traversing the collection of line items, you can display the following information about each item added to the receipt:
Property/ | Description |
items[0].amount | Returns the total amount of the Overpayment. |
items[0].account | Returns the payment method for the Overpayment. |
items[0].reference | Returns the reference number of the Overpayment. |
items[0].date | Returns the date when the Overpayment was created. Format: mm/dd/yyyy. |
Location property
This property provides additional information about the location of the invoice.
Property/ | Description | | Returns the name of the Location targeted in the invoice. |
location.slug | Returns the Location's slug. For example: loc-slug. |
location.code | Returns the Location's code. For example: LL. |
location.timezone | Returns the Location's time zone. For example: Europe/London. |
location.isOpen | Returns "true" or "false" to indicate whether the Location is currently open. | | Returns the country of the Location for which the receipt is generated. |
location.state | Returns the state of the Location for which the receipt is generated. | | Returns the city of the Location for which the receipt is generated. | | Returns the ZIP code of the Location for which the receipt is generated. |
location.address | Returns the address of the Location's address. |
locationId | Returns the ID number of the location targeted in the document. | | Returns a list of the custom invoice properties. |
location[0].targetRevenuePerPeriod | Returns the Location's target revenue period, which is set in the Location's billing settings. Learn more about location-specific target revenue periods → |
location.public | Returns "true" or "false" to indicate whether the Location is publicly visible. |
location.physicalAddress.placeId | Returns the place ID of the Location's address. | | Returns the name of the Location's address. For example: Aleksandar Malinov Boulevard |
location.physicalAddress.formattedAddress | Returns the full address of the Location's address. For example: Mladost, Aleksandar Malinov Boulevard, Sofia, Bulgaria. |
location.physicalAddress.mapURL | Returns the Google Maps URL of the Location's address. | | Returns the country of the Location's address. |
location.physicalAddress.state | Returns the state of the Location's address. | | Returns the city of the Location's address. |
location.physicalAddress.neighborhood | Returns the Location's address neighborhood. | | Returns the zip code of the Location's address. |
location.physicalAddress.utcOffset | Returns the Location's address UTC offset. |
location.physicalAddress.rating | Returns the Location's rating in Google Maps. |
location.physicalAddress.userRatingsTotal | Returns the Location's total user ratings in Google Maps. |
location.physicalAddress.latitude | Returns the latitude of the Location's address. |
location.physicalAddress.longitude | Returns the longitude of the Location's address. |
location.useAlternateAddress | Returns "true" or "false" to indicate whether the Location uses an alternate address. |