The Memberships Revenue Breakdown dashboard provides a detailed view of membership transactions within the Growth Hub. It offers insights into revenue distribution, top-performing offerings, and key trends, helping you monitor membership sales and understand their contribution to the business.
Right-click any value in the dashboard widgets to drill down and see its details on a transaction level.
Before you start
Dashboard overview
The Memberships Revenue Breakdown dashboard includes multiple widgets that display data for your Growth Hub performance.
The two widgets at the top of the dashboard provide summarized insights about your organization's membership revenue in the selected timeframe.
Membership Transactions – The total number of new Growth Hub membership transactions, recognized for the selected period.
Membership Revenue – The total revenue generated from new Growth Hub membership transactions, recognized for the selected period.
Recognition is based on the revenue recording date rather than the purchase date. For example, if a customer books a meeting room on March 1 for April 5, the transaction and revenue will be recognized and displayed on the dashboard for April when the service is provided.
Membership Revenue by Location
The total revenue generated from new Growth Hub membership transactions, recognized for the selected period, broken down by location.
Recognition is based on the date revenue is recorded rather than the purchase date.
Top-Performing Memberships
This widget highlights the membership plans that generated the most revenue, recognized for the selected period.
Recognition is based on the date revenue is recorded rather than the purchase date.
Low-Demand Memberships
This widget displays the membership plans that generated the least revenue, recognized for the selected period, pointing to potential improvement opportunities.
Recognition is based on the date revenue is recorded rather than the purchase date.
Membership Details
This widget offers a comprehensive view of the memberships generated from the Growth Hub, recognized for the selected period, compared to the total, broken down by month and location.