Off-boarding an employee creates a great deal of administrative work. OfficeRnD Hybrid aims to automate off-boarding to make it as quick and straightforward for you as possible.
Former Member/Employee Status
There are 2 ways for users to be marked Former:
1. Admins can change their status manually in the Admin Portal. In this case, they will see a confirmation modal warning that the user’s future bookings will be deleted and resources un-assigned.
2. Their status can be changed automatically via SCIM or Google Directory. Here, there will be no warning message because the de-provisioning is initiated in the active directory. If you wish to disable this behavior, contact support and we can turn off the automation so that bookings aren’t canceled and resources are not unassigned automatically.
What Happens When You Change A Member's Status To Former?
1. All their future bookings are automatically deleted (except Meeting Rooms) for Former users.
Note: This applies for deleted users as well.
2. All assigned resources will be un-assigned.
3. Former users will be removed from any bookable resource privacy configurations and it won't be possible to re-add them.
Note: If the Former/Deleted user is the only one left in the resource privacy configuration, then Privacy will be disabled for that resource.
4. If you are changing the member's status manually, the following warning message will appear:
All these off-boarding operations are done in the background (i.e. deleting future bookings, removing resource assignments, etc.) You don't need to supervise anything.
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