Create Dedicated URL and Page for a Plan or One-Off Fee


Having various membership plans and one-off fees is a great strategy to increase sales and provide diverse choices for your customers. However, this might overwhelm the signup process and confuse clients when it's time to make a choice.

With OfficeRnD you can set up a custom link for every membership plan or one-off fee and send the dedicated page to your customers or link it to a page on your website, so your clients can easily navigate to the signup page.‎ 

Create a Custom URL for Your Plans

In order for your potential customers to be able to see the billing plan you'd like to share with them, it needs to be public. 

You can do this when you are creating a new plan or editing an already existing one.

  1. Make the plan publicly available - In the Portal tab, under Privacy, enable the Available on signup and for drop-in users option.

    edit plan 2.png
  2. Next, you can customize the URL with a name for the plan. Proceed to the General tab and look for the Unique Code field. It is going to be part of the URL that the customer is going to see. Type the name of the plan using only lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens. Example: 2-people-plan.
    edit plan 22.png
  3. Click Update to save the new changes.
  4. Open your online shop in the Members Portal and click on the plan you just updated. Copy the URL from your browser and use it to redirect clients directly to the plan's page in the Shop.

URL For Members Portal

The URL should look like this: https://[space-name][unique-code] or https://[space-name][Location ID]&plan=[unique-code]

Replacing &plan with &plans will open the plan and also add it to the cart.

Note: A simple way of obtaining the Location ID is to select a location from the location picker in the Admin Portal kspot2.png. The Location ID will be shown in the browser's address bar:




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