Tips and Tricks

In this article we'll cover some topics that will help you better navigate and utilize the system, i.e some of the intricacies in OfficeRND that are good to know.

How to invoice future items while retaining the current billing period

If for example, you want to issue an invoice for a membership that takes place in July, but want the period of the invoice to be in June, you can set the billing period of the invoice to June.

You can issue an invoice for a member/company by visiting their profile and clicking "Add invoice".

Initially the Add invoice window will be empty, if everything has been invoiced for the month, however you can use the Pay For option to select for how many months ahead you'd like to issue an invoice.

If you select Pay For 2 months you'll be able to invoice July memberships, while the period of the invoice remains in June.

If there are some items from July that you don't want to invoice you can simply de-select them using the checkboxes before the line items.

Difference between a user and a member

In Community you'll notice that there are two separate sections called Members and Users. Each of those sections serve a different purpose:

- A Member holds all memberships, billing information, bookings etc.

- A User connects the Member to the members portal, e.g when you're enabling a member in order to grant them access to the members portal - more on that in this article - you're issuing permissions to their user that exists in the system. 

You can see the different permissions that are being granted to Users depending on their Status in the system here.

How to add a private office membership

Normally when you're assigning memberships in OfficeRND you have different billing plans set depending on the resource type.

However it'd be quite inconvenient if you had to create a separate membership for each private office if you had tens or even hundreds of them.

In order to avoid this problem you can create a single billing plan, more on how you can do that here.

After you set up the plan you can then assign multiple memberships with it, the trick here is that while you're assigning them you can actually change the price of the deposit of the membership itself depending on the member/company. This allows you way more flexibility than specifying a plan for every single office.

Please, follow our guide on how to assign memberships here.

Note: If you've created a resource with a target plan and you then assign the same plan to a member, you'll also be able to assign the specific resource to the member.


When you should create a company and when an individual member

Depending on your use case you might prefer different approaches when it comes to the question of what you should create - a member or a company. Here are our tips on the matter:

  • We normally recommend that you create companies, when the billing isn't going to be done for an individual but rather for a legal entity.

  • It's best to create a single company and assign multiple members to it, as this will facilitate the management of memberships, invoices, credits etc. Otherwise you'll have to check each of these things for every single person.

  • We've got an option that allows you to set a membership or a fee to be billed directly to the member, when there are certain memberships and fees that are assigned to a specific person.
  • If you're not dealing with a large number of clients you can create a member and then assign them to a company with the same name. We then suggest that issue any invoices and assign memberships directly to the company, instead of billing them to the person, since the person is the company.
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