In OfficeRnD Hybrid, you can define a set of rules to control the terms and conditions of a booking. In this article, you will learn how to create a booking policy and assign it to a bookable resource such as a desk or a meeting room.
Note: For meeting room bookings made outside Hybrid (i.e. Outlook, Google Calendar), the system will enforce the Request approval and Require Check-in policies as configured in Hybrid. However, any other policies (i.e. booking duration, future bookings, ad-hoc bookings) will be based on your setup in the external application.
Adjust or Create a Booking Policy
- Navigate to Workplace/Booking Policies.
Note: There will always be a default policy but you can create others by clicking Add Policy. - Define the policy rules:
- Name - The name of the booking policy. This is the only mandatory field.
- Min Duration - Maximum time allowance for booking a resource (from 0 to 24 hours).
- Max Duration - Minimum time allowance for booking a resource (from 0 to 24 hours).
- Recurring Bookings - Enable to allow recurring bookings.
- Limit Future Bookings - Limits the maximum allowed days/weeks/months from today that the booking can be booked for. The maximum amount for this setting is 24 days/weeks/months.
- Require Check-in - This option enables an automatic cancellation process. If employees do not check-in for the booking within the set amount of time before the start, the booking will be canceled. Bookings made within the specified period are auto-confirmed and will not require a check-in. You can define the time using either minutes or hours.
- Onsite check-ins only - this additional setting available here allows you to disable Online check-in for resources and use only Onsite check-in.
- Request Approval - If enabled, bookings for the rooms using that policy will be created as Tentative bookings until an admin approves them.
- Disable Back-to-Back Bookings - set a buffer time between bookings, if, for example, the room needs to be prepared or cleaned before the next booking takes place. This ensures the room will be locked for booking during the set buffer time. The maximum time limit here is 30 minutes.
- Limit ad-hoc bookings - Add a "notice period" for bookings. Employees would not be able to book a room immediately, they would need to book for X amount of time after the current moment. Configurable by either hours or business hours.
Apply the Booking Policy to a Bookable Resource
Once you have defined the booking policy, you can now apply that to your resources.
- Navigate to Workplace/Resources.
- Open a resource and select the Booking Policy from the dropdown menu
- Hit Update.
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