Add a Custom Page to the Web Portal

In OfficeRnD Hybrid's Web Portal, you can create certain custom pages to enhance the portal's functionalities. There are several page types that you can choose from depending on the content and functionality you want to add.

How it Works

To add a custom page navigate to Settings/Advanced Settings/Employee Apps/Apps Pages and scroll down to the bottom of the page.

  1. In the Custom Pages section, click Add Page.
  2. Next, configure the page's content by filling in the required fields and selecting the particular type of page:
    1. Order - define its position in the portal's left pane navigation.
    2. Title - a name for the page.
    3. Icon - choose an icon.
    4. Type - select a type.
  3. Click Add.


Page Types

Different types of pages have slightly different sets of additional tweaks. Please make sure to define them as well. Here are the types you can choose from:

  • Floorplan - representation of your floorplan where resources can be booked. Here you can choose which resource types to show.
  • Calendar - a calendar page (more suitable for resources booked by hour). Here you can choose which resource type to show (single type).
  • Schedule - shows your schedule (when are you working from home or from the office).
  • Static Text - a simple text page with content you can modify with an embedded text editor.
  • External Page - with this option you can create an iFrame-based page that embeds into your Web portal. Any restrictions coming from the X Frame options will be applied if the page you are trying to embed is set up to protect content (Sameorigin).
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