Onsite Only Bookings and Check-ins

As an additional setting available in OfficeRnD's Booking Policies and part of requiring a check-in, you can enable Onsite only bookings and check-ins instead of Online ones.

Note: Enabling Onsite only check-ins will disable all other check-in functionalities explained here.


In order to implement Onsite only bookings and check-ins, make sure you know how to print QR Codes for your resources.

QR Code Functionalities

Scanning the QR Code placed on a resource is pretty straightforward - you can use the OfficeRnD Hybrid Work mobile app with its built-in QR code scanner or any other QR code scanner app.


If you are using a generic QR Code scanner app, once the code is scanned, following the link will ask you to log in with your OfficeRnD credentials or authenticate with your SSO ones (if you are using any of the available Authentication integrations). Since browsers tend to store cache and cookies, it's highly unlikely to have to log in each time you scan a code.

The QR Code supports additional functionalities around booking in OfficeRnD Hybrid. You can:

  • Check-in for a booking that you have on this resource - If you have booked the desk or a meeting room and it's time for check-in - there will be a button to do that.
  • Book this resource - If the resource is free, you'll be able to book it (only applicable to resources bookable by Date).
  • Switch desk - You can switch your desk to this one if you already booked another.
  • Cancel your booking for this resource - You can cancel your booking if it's ongoing at the moment.
  • View any ongoing booking for this resource - If the resource is not available, you will see information about who is currently occupying it.
  • Meeting attendees can also check in to the meeting room if the organizer is not in the office for the meeting.
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