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[Flex Data Hub] Occupancy Overview
Updated over 3 weeks ago

The Desk Occupancy dashboard displays occupancy levels for the desks, offices, and spaces in your buildings. It helps you get a clear picture of how these spaces are being utilized!

Before you start

Dashboard filters

Alongside the standard filters in the Data Hub, this dashboard allows you to specify the occupancy type you want to analyze and its calculation method. Below is a list of filters that can modify the calculations shown on the dashboard:

Occupancy Calculation

The Occupancy Calculation filter allows you to choose the occupancy calculation that will be used to display data on the dashboard. You can choose "Prorated" or "Beginning of the Month".

Prorated occupancy is the most granular type of occupancy calculation that relies on prorated resource availability, membership count, and membership revenue in each respective month. Let's look at a few examples:

  • You have a customer starting mid-month on a Private Office plan, and you've created a membership that starts on the 15th of the month. Since the membership will only be active for half a month:

    • The resource associated with this Membership will be occupied only for half a month and contribute 0.5 (not 1) to the total number of occupied resources for the respective month.

    • In the case of Hotdesk occupancy calculation, the membership will contribute 0.5 (not 1) to the total number of memberships for the respective month.

    • The revenue this resource generated for the respective month will be prorated based on the proration settings set at the organization level.

  • An office you're refurbishing is scheduled to open on the 10th of each month. Since it will be available only for two-thirds of the month, it will contribute approximately 0.6 (not 1) to the overall number of available resources for the respective month.

Beginning of the Month occupancy relies on Resources and Memberships active at the beginning of the month (on the first day of every month) in all calculations. Let's look at the same examples as above:

  • You have a customer starting mid-month on a Private Office plan, and you've created a membership that starts on the 15th of the month. Since the membership's start date is after the 1st of the respective month:

    • The resource associated with this Membership will NOT be considered occupied.

    • The revenue generated by this resource for the respective month will NOT be added to the "desk/space/area rate" calculations.

    • In the Hotdesk occupancy calculation, the membership does not contribute to the total number of memberships for the respective month.

  • An office you're refurbishing is planned to open on the 10th of each month. However, as it is unavailable as of the 1st of each month, it will NOT contribute to the overall number of available resources for that month.

Occupancy Type

This filter allows you to choose the granularity of the occupancy calculations applied to the dashboard:

  • Setting the filter to Desk will show desk-related occupancy metrics on the dashboard, such as Desk Occupancy, Revenue per Available Desk (RevPAD), and Revenue per Occupied Desk (RevPOD).

  • Setting the filter to Space will show office-related occupancy metrics on the dashboard, such as Space Occupancy, Revenue per Available Office, and Revenue per Occupied Office.

  • Setting the filter to Area will show area-related occupancy metrics on the dashboard, with the unit of measurement (square meters or square feet) determined by the Measurement Unit filter. Examples of metrics shown using this filter are Area Occupancy (in the selected unit of measurement), Revenue per Available Square Meter/Foot and Revenue per Occupied Square Meter/Foot.

Include Hot Desk Coefficient

This filter lets you choose whether the Hot Desk Coefficient set in the Admin Portal will affect the occupancy calculations and the available desks shown on the dashboard. If set to "Yes," the value of the available desks of type Hot Desk will be multiplied by the value of the Hot Desk Coefficient. For example:

Let's say you have 10 hot desks and have set the hot desk coefficient to 2. This means your occupancy target for hot desks is twice the number of available desks in your space; you need 20 active memberships to achieve 100% occupancy.

Assuming you have 15 fully active hot desk memberships in the month:

  • If you set Include Hot Desk Coefficient to Yes, you will see:

    • 10 * 2 = 20 available hot desks.

    • 15 occupied hot desks.

    • (15 / 20) * 100 = 75% occupancy.

  • If you set Include Hot Desk Coefficient to Yes, you will see:

    • 10 available hot desks.

    • 15 occupied desks.

    • (15 / 10) * 100 = 150% hot desk occupancy.

Data discrepancy (troubleshooting)

If there is a difference between the reported number of office desks and the actual number available in your office (for example, the report shows 108 office desks, but you can only count 100):

  1. Check your office size (number of Office Desks).

  2. Check how many of the available desks are Office Desks. If the number doesn't match your office size, look for any Hotdesks or Dedicated Desks. These types of desks are different from Office Desks and are not counted as part of your office; they are simply listed as Available.

  3. If you want the numbers to match up, do one of the following:

    • define all desks as Office Desks and set the office size accordingly;

    • set the office size to 0 and turn all desks into Hotdesks or Dedicated Desks.​

Occupancy split by location

This widget shows each location's monthly desk, space, or area occupancy. The type of metric displayed is determined by the Occupancy Type filter.

Occupancy Type set to Desk:

Occupancy Type set to Space:

Occupancy Type set to Area and Measurement Unit set to square feet:

Occupancy split by resource type

This widget shows a breakdown of desk, space, or area occupancy by resource type.

Revenue occupancy

This widget shows each month's total membership revenue to target revenue ratio. Values below 100% indicate that the target was not reached.

Revenue occupancy split by resource type

This widget shows each month's total membership revenue ratio and the target revenue, split by resource type.

List price attainment

This widget shows the ratio of total membership revenue and the total resource list price for each month. Values below 100% indicate that some resources have been sold below their list price.

List price attainment split by resource type

This widget shows the monthly ratio of total membership revenue and total resource list price, split by resource type.

Memberships revenue vs. total list price

This widget compares the total revenue generated by memberships to the total resource list price, with any gaps highlighted in red.

Memberships revenue vs. location target

This widget compares the total revenue generated by memberships to the total location target, with any gaps highlighted in red.

Revenue per occupied desk, office, or area

Depending on the value of the "Occupancy Type" and "Measurement Unit" filters, this widget will display the revenue per occupied desk, office, square meter, or square foot, split by month.

Occupied vs. vacant desks, offices, or area

Depending on the value of the "Occupancy Type" and "Measurement Unit" filters, this widget will display the occupied and vacant desks, offices, square meters or square feet, split by month:

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