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[Flex] Members Privacy Settings
[Flex] Members Privacy Settings
Updated today

This article explains how you can configure the Privacy Settings related to the Members tab on the Member Portal as an Admin.

The admin settings below can be found under Settings > Member Apps > Member Pages:


Here's an explanation for each setting:

Member Wall - This checkbox enables/disables the entire Community tab in the Members Portal.

Statuses - This field allows selecting multiple values when you left-click on it. This specifies which types of members/companies will be shown. Leaving this field empty will hide all types from the Community tab.

Privacy - this section consists of 4 checkbox properties - 2 for members and 2 for companies.

  • The ones that apply to public profiles will hide Twitter/Instagram/Facebook/LinkedIn accounts and websites.

  • The ones that apply to contact details will hide emails and phone numbers from the Community tab.

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