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[Flex] Booking Reference Numbers
[Flex] Booking Reference Numbers

Learn what booking reference numbers are, their purpose, and where to find them when managing bookings in OfficeRnD.

Updated today

Booking reference numbers, also displayed as Reference Numbers, are unique codes assigned to each booking created within your organization. These codes consist of seven characters, including numbers and capital letters, ensuring no two bookings share the same identifier.

Reference numbers are sent in confirmation emails to customers. They are a quick and reliable way to locate bookings, making them particularly useful when customers contact you with inquiries.

Note: Recurring bookings share the same reference number across all instances.

How to find booking reference numbers

Booking reference numbers can be located in various places within OfficeRnD. Here's where you can find them:

  1. Go to Community > Bookings. You can find the reference numbers for each booking in the Reference Number column.

  2. Go to Community > Companies or Members and open a company or member profile.

  3. Open a booking. In the View Booking dialog, you can find the reference number.

  4. Reference numbers can be embedded in the booking name using the template ##{{ bookingReference }}. This is useful for automatically including the reference number in the subject line or other templates.

  5. Reference numbers can be added to emails by including the property ##{{ bookingReference }} in the email template. This ensures confirmation or update emails include the reference code for easy identification.

  6. Reference numbers are included in booking and booking summary exports. These reports allow you to analyze and manage bookings outside the platform. Learn how to export bookings →

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