In OfficeRnD, you can generate and manage invoices manually. This article explains how to create an invoice, add its details, and send it to members or companies.
Add an invoice manually
There are two ways to add an invoice:
Go to Billing & Products > Invoices and select Add Invoice.
Open the profile of the member or company you want to invoice. Scroll to the Invoices section and select Add Invoice.
In both cases, the Add Invoice dialog will appear where you can enter the invoice details:
Invoice details
When adding an invoice, you must complete the following details:
To – Select the company or member receiving the invoice. This field will be pre-filled if you create an invoice from the member or company profile.
Number – Enter the invoice number. This field is pre-filled based on the invoice number template.
Reference – Add a text reference to the invoice for identification purposes.
Issue date – Select the date the invoice is issued. This date appears on the invoice.
Due date – Select the date when the invoice payment is due.
Payment method – Choose the payment method: Auto, Cash, Bank Transfer, or POS.
Discount – Apply a percentage discount to the invoice if needed.
For – Select the types of items to include in the invoice: fees, memberships, or both.
Period start – Specify the month marking the start of the membership period.
Pay for – Select the number of months to calculate the membership duration.
Add new line item – Add a custom line item with a specific amount. Custom line items are automatically included in the one-off fees revenue account.
Create and send the invoice
Select Add to save the invoice.
Select Add & Send to save and send the invoice to the company email and/or billing contact.
Next steps
After adding an invoice, you may need to manage or charge it manually. For more information: