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[Flex] Import Payment Details
[Flex] Import Payment Details
Updated over 2 months ago

If you have a list of your customers and their payment details in your payment provider, you can add them in OfficeRnD for them to be able to pay with their details. To facilitate the process, this can be done in a single import operation.

The feature is found in Settings/Data & Extensibility/Import/Details tab. The step-by-step import process in OfficeRnD is described here.

What you'll need

All of the members for which you want to add payment details must first exist in OfficeRnD with a valid email. Please see our our article on how to import members.

Note: The email that you recorded for the customer in your payment provider has to match the one that is entered in OfficeRnD. The name can be different as the import matches the data by email.

Import data

OfficeRnD enables you to import data from a .CSV spreadsheet file. Make sure to use comma as the CSV delimiter, otherwise the data won't be validated.

The CSV file contains the following columns. All of these are mandatory - the import cannot be completed if one of the fields is empty.

Feel free to download and fill in our template .CSV file.

  • Provider - the name of your payment provider. You can see a list of all the currently available payment providers in OfficeRnD here.

  • Token - here you have to enter the last 4 digits of the payment detail, e.g credit card.

  • Brand - here you have to enter the brand, e.g VISA, MasterCard, JCB etc.

  • Expiry - here you have to enter the expiration of the payment details. The only correct format is MM/YY.

  • Name - here you have to enter the name of the customer in OfficeRnD. It' won't be a problem if the name in OfficeRnD does not match the one in your payment provider as the import will match the details by email.

  • Email - the email of the customer for which the payment details will be imported. The email recorded in your payment provider must match the one that's recorded in OfficeRnD as the import uses this data to match the details to the customer.

  • Provider Id - this is the id of the client in the payment provider. Depending on the payment provider, this may vary. You can consult your payment provider in order to find out where you can get this id.

  • Source Id - this is the id of the account in the payment provider. Depending on the payment provider this may vary, you can consult with your payment provider in order to find out where you can get this id.

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