With OfficeRnD, you can set a preferred billing date for your customers. This ensures they will be billed according to this date regardless of your space's billing date.
If, on an organizational level, you have configured the Billing Period Start Date to be the 1st of each month, all the invoices will be issued/created on the 1st of each month, no matter what is configured on a company/member level for the billing period. In this case, the billing period set on a company/member level will determine only the billing period and not when the invoices will be issued/created.
When the following configurations are in place:
On an organizational level, the Billing Period Start Date is set to be the member start date and Automatically generate invoices before the billing date is set to 0 days. Both options are found in Settings/Billing Settings/Billing Rules.
On a company/member level, a custom billing date is set to, for example, the 13th of each month.
Only then will the invoice for this company/member be created/issued on the configured billing date set on the company/member level (the 13th in our example).
Define a Custom Billing Date for a Client
To set the preferred billing date for a company/member:
Go to Community/Members or Community/Companies.
Open the member/company profile that needs to be changed.
Scroll the menu on the left until you reach Billing Details and click Edit.
Choose the billing date from the Billing Period Start Date dropdown menu. For example, if you choose the 2nd day of the month, the client will be billed on the 2nd of each month.
Click Update.