We will show you how to create meeting rooms and configure their pricing options, booking and cancellation policies. We will cover how to create booking credits β hourly and value-based (a.k.a. booking coins). We will demonstrate how to make a booking and how to review its corresponding fee, as well as how to manage customers' bookings through the admin end.
Duration: 1 hour
Setting: Remote/Online
We'll walk you through:
1. Main Configurations Of Bookable Resources
Understand resource rates and how to add one.
Add a meeting room and set its privacy.
Review booking and cancellation policies
Non-active Members.
Review the business hours of the space and understand how they can impact bookings through the members portal.
2. Booking process via the admin vs. via the member portal
Add a booking through the admin calendar.
Understand the difference between bookings done through the admin vs the member-facing portal.
3. Managing additional services sold with bookings (e.g. catering)
Add extras as purchasable options available with a meeting room booking.
4. Managing booking credits
Review allocated & used credits per client.
Manually add booking credits to customers.
5. Invoicing & updating bookings
Invoice bookings.
Update and cancel a booking as an admin.
Review bookings
Bulk (e.g. for export)
Per customer