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[Integration] Zapier
Updated over 2 months ago

Zapier is a web automation app. With Zapier, you can build Zaps to automate parts of your business workflows. Connecting OfficeRnD with Zapier makes hundreds of other tools and applications possible.


Triggers and Actions

Zapier works by the following principle: "When I get a new thing in A, do this other thing in B." The first part is the Trigger, and the second part is the Action.

OfficeRnD supports the following Triggers in Zapier:

  • New Member – a trigger that happens when a new member is created in OfficeRnD or an existing member's status is updated.

  • New Company – a trigger that happens when a new company is created in OfficeRnD.

  • New Invoice – a trigger when a new invoice is created in OfficeRnD.

  • New Contract – a trigger that happens when a new contract is created in OfficeRnD.

  • New Event – a trigger that happens when a new event is created in OfficeRnD.

  • New Membership – a trigger when a new membership is created in OfficeRnD.

  • New Post – a trigger when a new post is created in OfficeRnD.

  • New Opportunity – a trigger when a new opportunity is created in OfficeRnD.

  • New Booking – a trigger when a new booking is created in OfficeRnD.

  • Member Status Updated – a trigger when a member has status changes in OfficeRnD.

OfficeRnD also supports the following Actions in Zapier:

  • Create a Member - an action that creates a member in OfficeRnD.

  • Create a Company - an action that creates a company in OfficeRnD.

  • Create an Opportunity - an action that creates an opportunity for a member and a company (optional) in OfficeRnD.

  • Create a Membership - an action that assigns a membership to a member.

  • Create a Fee - an action that creates a one-off fee and assigns it to a member.

  • Create a Post

  • Create an Event

  • Create a Booking

Additionally, OfficeRnD provides one Search Step that allows you to find a location by its id, name or city.

How to use OfficeRnD in Zapier?

1. Create a new Zap

Login to your Zapier account and create a new Zap. Setup a Trigger for your new integration.


2. Setup OfficeRnD

Add the OfficeRnD application to your Zapier account by following this link.


3. Add OfficeRnD action

When choosing the action for your new Zap, search for OfficeRnD. Next, choose an Event.


4. Login with OfficeRnD credentials

While setting up your Zap, you will be asked for your OfficeRnD Admin credentials. Just type in the ones you use to log in at OfficeRnD.


5. Connect to apps

Take advantage of your newly created integration. Connect OfficeRnD to hundreds of applications with Zapier.


SSO Login Instructions

If an organization has set up and enforced SSO for its Admin portal, it won’t be able to use OfficeRnD credentials to log in with Zapier. As a workaround, we implemented an alternative login option: OfficeRnD Admins can generate and use Client ID and Client Secret to log in to Zapier.

To generate Client ID & Client Secret, you must create an application. Navigate to Settings/Data & Extensibility/Developer Tools/Applications and follow our Help Guide to complete the process.

Finally, the login form that appears before creating your first Zap has a drop-down menu with two login methods. Choose the Application Client ID and Client Secret method and use the ones you generated in OfficeRnD to authenticate.


Known Limitations

Currently, Zapier integration has several limitations. Here is a list of the most important ones:

  • Triggers are not called immediately when the action happens. They are implemented based on the polling. Zapier checks OfficeRnD for changes regularly. Usually, updates happen every 15 minutes. To overcome this, you can use webhooks.

  • Custom properties of type date and multi-select are not supported for both the Triggers and the Actions.

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