This help article will help you add a colleague of yours as an admin member to the OfficeRnD Admin portal.
When adding a new admin user, disable the Members Portal Access toggle. Otherwise, they'll get the "User has existing permissions" error.
Step-By-Step Guide
1. Go to Settings > Account Details > Admin Users.
2. Click Add Admin User.
3. Select your admin company from the Select company dropdown.
4. Select a member:
If the user profile already exists in OfficeRnD, find the member from the Select member drop-down and you will be able to update their existing settings.
If you are adding a new member profile to OfficeRnD, click Add new and fill out their full name, email, and phone number.
When you're finished, click Add.
5. Select a Role for your teammate. Each role has different permissions in the admin portal. Click here to learn more about User Permissions. Alternatively, click Add new Role to add a new permission level.
6. Select one or more Locations, or leave the field empty to grant the teammate permissions to all of your locations.
7. (optional) Choose the member's Job Function from the drop-down menu, if available.
8. Click Invite to send an invitation email to your teammate. Alternatively, click on Update to save the changes.
When the team member is invited, they receive an email to their registered email with an access token that lets them access your OfficeRnD admin account. The token is valid for up to 72 hours.