Members Portal – How to Book a Meeting


In the Members Portal, Members can book Meeting Rooms from the Dashboard or from the Meeting Rooms page. This article will walk you through the process.

How does It work?

Select a Meeting Room

You can book a meeting room from the Dashboard by clicking on the New Booking button. It's located right under the recent history of your bookings:

create booking.png

This will take you to the Meeting Rooms page with a view of all Meeting Rooms available in your location.

meeting rooms page.png

Click on the Filter button filter icon.png and you can filter the list of meeting rooms by the following criteria:

  • Location
  • Capacity
  • Amenities
  • Floor

filter list.png

Book a Slot For Your Meeting Room

Pick a suitable Meeting Room and click on the hour lines:

small mt room.png

This opens a simplified version of the Booking Setup:

dialog box.png

Here, you can:

  • Add the booking title.
  • Choose the time and date of the booking.
  • Order extras.

When you're finished, click on Book to create the booking, or click on More Options for additional booking options. They are explained below.

Note: The availability of options is dependent on your space's set-up and booking policy.

Recurrent Meetings

If you tend to host meetings with regularity (i.e. each week on Tuesdays and Thursdays), you can book recurring meetings (if the co-working space that you are in allows it) instead of having to create a new booking each time.

1. Click on Recurrence and enable the setting in the Booking Setup window.



2. Set up your booking:

  • Adjust the frequency at which the meeting will be re-occurring by choosing Repeat every (1st, 2nd, 3rd...) Day, Week, or Month from the drop-down menu.
  • Select the day(s) on which the meeting is to take place in the Repeat on row.
  • Finally, you can select when the recurring bookings will stop recurring. You can choose between Never, a number of occurrences, and a specific date.

Invite Guests & Visitors

When creating a booking as a member, you can invite Guests (Teammates) from your company to the meeting, or invite outside Visitors.

Note: Inviting a guest to a booking will grant them door access to the meeting room.

1. Click on Guests in the Booking Setup window.

2. Select the guests you want to invite from the drop-down menu under Invite Guests.

3. If you want to invite a Visitor, click on Add new Visitor and enter their name and e-mail where they will receive the invitation.


Add a Description

Click on Description and enter a description for the meeting in the text field.


Add Extras

Click on Extras and click plus.png next to any of the available extras you want to add. Its price will be added to the booking total.


View Summary

Review the Booking Summary and make adjustments (if needed). When you're finished, click Book on the bottom of the page.


Review, Edit, or Cancel Your Booking

You can view, edit, and cancel the booking you created by navigating to Account/Bookings in the Members Portal. All the information you entered in the booking setup stage is available for review:


You can also:

Order catering - click here to learn more.

Edit the booking options - click on editb.png to open the Booking Setup window.

Cancel the booking - Click on editb.png, then click cancelbtn.png and confirm the cancellation (fees may apply):



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