Before you start
To start configuring the Billing Lock Date functionality, you must first enable the 'Don't update billing details of issued invoices' option in Settings/Billing Settings/Billing Rules.
Only teammates with an Owner role have permission to manage the Billing Lock Date by default.
What is the Billing Lock Date?
Billing Lock Date is a feature that prevents any billing information in the past from being created, modified, or deleted. In this way, organizations can ensure that the information they have already used for accounting purposes (or have submitted to their accounting departments) won’t be changed in the future.
Setting a Billing Lock Date is done through the Admin Platform. Go to Billing & Products > Invoices and click Set billing lock date:
When a date is selected and saved, the billing data and actions prior to this date will be locked. Only admins with an Owner role or teammates with specific permissions can change invoices, credit notes, payments, etc., through the UI, Import, and API.
How to grant a specific billing Lock-Off Permissions to a Teammate?
As an Owner, you have to decide who else will have the permission to set and change the billing lock date. To manage that, you will have to create a specific role.
Go to Settings > Account Details > Admin Roles and click Add Role.
Click Billing and enable the Locking Billing Period component.
Click Save.
You can continue tailoring the rest of the permissions for the new role, and once you're ready, you can go to Settings > Account Details > Admin Users and assign the role to the relevant person.
Locked Actions
Below, we have listed some of the most common actions that will be unavailable when a Billing Lock Date is selected:
Creating an invoice with an issue date within a locked period
Creating a credit note with the issue date within a locked period
Create a payment/overpayment with a payment date with a locked period
Editing an invoice with an issue date within a locked period
Editing a credit note with issue date within a locked period
Editing a payment/overpayment with a payment date with a locked period
Voiding an invoice with an issue date within a locked period
Voiding a credit note with an issue date within a locked period
Voiding a payment/overpayment with a payment date with a locked period
Deleting an invoice with an issue date within a locked period
Deleting a credit note with an issue date within a locked period
Deleting a payment/overpayment with a payment date with a locked period
Detaching any line items from an invoice with an issue date within a locked period
Detaching any line items from a credit note with an issue date within a locked period
Executing Manual Bill-run with issue date within a locked period
If you try to execute any of the listed actions, the system will give you the following message: "This document falls under a locked billing period. You won’t be able to edit it. If you need to make an adjustment, change the billing lock date of your organization or contact a teammate with the needed permissions."
Note: If Automated Invoice Generation is enabled and the issue date of the invoices is within the locked period, the invoices will be generated with Awaiting Approval status. A notification about the awaiting invoices will be sent to the designated email address. To approve the invoices, an admin (who has permission to create invoices) will have to change their issue date to a date outside the locked period. Learn more about User Permissions.
Note: If it is necessary to change the billing information in the locked period, you must remove the Billing Lock Date, apply the changes, and set a Billing Lock Date again.