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[Flex] Import Companies and Members: Common Mistakes and Solutions
[Flex] Import Companies and Members: Common Mistakes and Solutions

This article addresses common errors during data imports into OfficeRnD and provides solutions to ensure a smooth import process.

Updated over a month ago

Importing company and member data into OfficeRnD can streamline your operations, but certain common mistakes can hinder the process. This article outlines some common errors and offers solutions to help you import your data successfully.

Member start dates precede company start dates

Scenario: You've assigned start dates to members earlier than their associated companies' start dates.

Solution: Ensure each member's start date is on or after their company's. Verify the date formats and correct any discrepancies before proceeding with the import.

Multiple emails entered in a single cell

Scenario: You have entered more than one email address per member in the same cell.

Solution: If you must store multiple email addresses for a member, create a custom property in OfficeRnD for each additional email address. Then, upload the second email address using this custom property to maintain clarity and prevent import errors.

Inconsistent company names across files

Scenario: Company names differ between the Companies and Members files, possibly due to data sourced from various systems.

Solution: Update the company names in both files to ensure they match exactly. Consistent naming across files is crucial for accurate data mapping during the import process.

Phone numbers formatted with parentheses

Scenario: Phone numbers are formatted with parentheses, such as (XXX) 959 7936, which the system doesn't recognize.

Solution: Provide phone numbers in a standard format without parentheses or special characters. This ensures the system correctly processes and imports the contact information.

Missing start dates for members

Scenario: Start dates are assigned in the Companies sheet but are omitted from the Members sheet.

Solution: To avoid manual corrections, use a VLOOKUP formula in Excel to pull the start date from the Companies file into the Members file. This method also helps identify any discrepancies in company names between the two files, facilitating quicker corrections.

Use this formula:

=vlookup (Search key: Company name, Range: Columns in the company sheet that include the Company name and the date, Index: The column that has the date value, [is_sorted]: enter "false").

Billing person designated without a contact person

Scenario: The 'Billing person' column contains 'Yes' entries, but the 'Contact person' column is left blank, causing import errors.

Solution: Filter the data by the 'Billing person' column for entries marked 'Yes' and ensure that the corresponding 'Contact person' column also contains 'Yes'. After making these adjustments, re-import the file to resolve the issue.

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