
This article will give you more information about the Invoicing processes in OfficeRnD:


OfficeRnD allows you to create, manage and send invoices. You can browse through all invoices or filter them by paid, overdue, or failed.

You can also set up the system to automatically generate invoices or manually create new invoices.

Manually Add Invoice

  1. Navigate to the Billing & Products/Invoices.
  2. Click on Add Invoice.
    add inv1.png
  3. The Add Invoice dialog window opens to let you configure the invoice details:


    • To: Select the member to whom the invoice should be issued to.
      This will include all fees and memberships in the product list of the invoice.
    • Number: Enter the number of the invoice.
      Note that this field is populated by default using the Invoice number template available under the Invoicing section in Settings.
    • Issue Date: Select the date of issue.
    • Due Date: Select the due date.
    • Payment Method: Select the payment method that you’d like to be recorded as part of the invoice payment terms.
      The following options are available: AutoCashBank Transfer, and POS.
    • Pay For: select which types of accountable items to be included in the invoice. OfficeRnD provides the option to issue an invoice for fees, memberships, or for both.
  4. Define the period applied to the memberships included in the invoice:

    • Period Start: select the month identifying the start of the applicable period of the memberships
    • Pay For: select the duration in months to calculate the duration of the memberships

  5. (Optional) Add additional services using the Add button available at the bottom of the dialog. Please note that those services will be included in the one-off fees revenue account by default (your revenue accounts can be found under Settings/Billing Settings/Revenue Accounts). 

  6. Click Add to create the invoice or click Add & Send to add the invoice and send it to a company email and/or a billing person.
    You can configure the email addresses where the invoice is sent through the Invoicing section under Settings.
    You can also set up automatic invoice sending following the steps described in the Automated invoice sending article.

Manage Invoices

In order to manage the invoices, navigate to the Billing & Products module and select Invoices.
This will open a list of all invoices that can be filtered by paid, overdue, and failed invoices.

When an invoice is opened, the following managing options are available:

  • Exporting and downloading an invoice - More information about that operation is available in Export Invoices.
  • Send an invoice - The Send button will send the invoice to the billing person of the member to whom the invoice is issued.
  • Void an invoice - When you mark an invoice as void, it will not be removed from the system but will be automatically excluded from all reports.
  • Issue a credit note - In the cases when you need to return the amount of an existing invoice to its owner.
    In order to issue a credit note, follow the How to issue a credit note tutorial.
  • Delete an invoice - If an invoice is not paid or credited back, it can be deleted. However, note that deleting an invoice removes it from the system and the invoicing sequence can be broken.
  • Manually add a payment.

Edit an Invoice

  1. Click on the Edit button. This will open the Edit Invoice dialog.
  2. Configure the following details of the invoice:
    • To - select the member to whom the invoice should be issued to.
      This will include all fees and memberships in the product list of the invoice.
    • Number - Enter the number of the invoice. Note that this field is populated by default using the Invoice number template available in Settings/Billing Settings/Billing Rules.
    • Issue Date - Select the date of issue.
    • Due Date - Select the due date.
    • Payment Method - Select the payment method which you’d like to be recorded as part of the invoice payment terms. The following options are available: AutoCashBank Transfer, and POS.
      Discount - Add a discount to the invoice.
  3. Edit the quantity and discount of the products included in the invoice.
  4. Click Update.

Manually Add a Payment 


Sometimes you might need to manually enter a payment for an invoice. When members pay in cash or cheque, or if you need to account your payments but haven’t set up accounting or payment provider integrations, use the Add manual payment option:

  • Click on the Add manual payment button.
  • Select the payment method - CashBank TransferPOSCheque.
  • Enter the amount of the payment.
  • (Optional) Under Reference, enter the cheque reference number or another reference to the payment document.
  • Enter the date of the payment operation.
  • Click Add.


Note: If the payment is for the full amount of the invoice, the invoice will automatically be marked as paid.

Invoice Period

The invoice period is meant to help you understand the invoice content without looking into its line items.

Generally, the invoice period should match the billing and membership periods for the invoice.

There are some exceptions:

  • When the invoice has been generated manually for several months and there are active memberships for the entire period, its period will match the selected time period.
  • When the invoice contains only prorated memberships, the invoice period will not cover the entire time range.
    For instance, if you bill from April 1 to April 30, 2019 and have a membership ending on April 15, 2019, the invoice period will cover April 1 to April 15.
  • If the invoice contains only one-off fees, the invoice period is the minimum period containing all one-off fees.
    For instance, if you have 2 fees in the invoice - one for April 1 and one for April 5 - the period will be from April 1 until April 5.

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