With hybrid work models growing popular, your organization needs a reliable process for companies to book their desks. You can resolve this by adding a dedicated resource type (i.e. Bookable Desk) and creating a custom booking calendar for this resource type.
Creating The Resource Type
Create a custom resource type for your bookable desks by following these steps:
- Navigate to Settings/Platform Modules/Resource types and click Add Resource Type.
- Fill in the mandatory fields Name and Unique Key. The rest are optional.
- Enable the Can Book option, otherwise the desks will not be bookable in the calendar.
- Select the Time or Date option from the Booking Mode drop-down menu.
For more information on Resource Types and how you can create custom resources, click here.
Creating The Resources
Now that you've created the Bookable desk resource type, you can add bookable desks in the Space module:
- Navigate to Space/Bookable desks and click on the Add desk button.
- From the Type drop-down menu, select the resource type you created previously.
- Choose the appropriate Location from the drop-down menu.
- Set the availability dates (From - To). Leave the To field empty for an unlimited time.
- Switch to the Calendar tab and configure the following:
Rate - you must select a resource rate, otherwise the desk won't be available for booking in the calendar. Click here to learn more about resource rates.
Privacy settings - Make sure that the resource is available only for the company to which it belongs, unless it's public. To do this, select Limited and enter the required Company and/or Member(s). It is possible for multiple companies to share the resources as well. - When you're finished, click Add.
You can find a detailed guideline about adding Resources here.
Note: For the floorplan view in the calendar to work as expected, each resource/desk should be assigned to the relevant shape on the floorplan.
Creating The Calendar
After you've created the desks, you can go back to Settings/Platform Modules/Resource Types and enable the custom calendar:
1. Click on the cogwheel next to the resource type and choose Add members portal calendar page.
2. This will open a new window where you can create the calendar. Fill in the fields, configure the privacy settings as needed, and click Add.
More information on what else you can do with custom calendars is available here.
With the above setup completed, the calendar will now be visible in the Members Portal.
You can edit its settings anytime in the Admin Portal from the Custom Pages section in Settings/Member Apps/Member Pages:
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