The first requirement to be able to add guests as an admin would be to have the proper level of access. You can read more about that here.
Note: Inviting guests to a booking will grant them door access based on the Meeting Room mappings in your door access integration. More on door access integrations here.
Adding a Guest to a Booking
Guests can be either team members or non-employees. The process is explained below.
1. Navigate to the booking you want to edit. That can be done directly through the Calendar module or from Community > Bookings.
2. Click on the booking, and a window with its properties will open. There, you'll be able to select a checkbox called Invite guests. Note that this checkbox will only be available if a member is chosen as the creator of the booking. If only a company is selected, the option will be greyed out.
3. If the checkbox is marked, a Guests drop-down menu will appear, and you can choose the team members to invite. This menu will contain all other members of the company to which the member creating the bookings belongs.
4. Below the Guests drop-down menu is an option called Add Guests (see above). This option allows you to add people not members of the company or the co-working space. You will have to enter a name and an email for each person.
Guests added in this manner will be added to the Community/Visitors tab. For convenience, we refer to them as Visitors. You can learn more about the difference between guests and visitors.