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Visitor Hub

Visitor Hub is a visitor and delivery management solution.
29 articles
Manage Visitors
Learn how to manage visitor data in the Admin Portal.
[Visitor Hub] Visitor Analytics
[Visitor Hub] Guests vs. Visitors
[Visitor Hub] Add and Manage Visitors
[Visitor Hub] Import Visitors
[Visitor Hub] Export Visitors
Manage Deliveries
Learn how to manage deliveries in the Admin Portal.
[Visitor Hub] Delivery LogLearn how to use the delivery log to track and manage incoming deliveries efficiently for improved package handling.
[Visitor App] Delivery Photos
[Visitor App] Custom Delivery Flows and FieldsLearn how to customize delivery flows and fields to tailor delivery notifications and streamline delivery tracking.
Configure the Visitor App
Learn how to configure and customize the Visitor app.
[Quick Start] Visitor App
[Visitor App] Recommended Tablets
[Visitor App] Configure Location-Specific SettingsApply custom settings to any location in OfficeRnD Flex and Workspace.
[Visitor App] Customize Theme and Welcome Screen
[Visitor App] Configure Tablet Flows
[Visitor App] Add Custom Flows
[Visitor App] Custom Shortcut ButtonsLearn how to add custom shortcut buttons on the Visitor App's main screen to optimize visitor experience and purchases.
[Visitor App] Customize Flow Fields (Check-In, Delivery, and Custom Flows)
[Visitor App] Visitor Photos
[Visitor App] Add Documents
[Visitor App] Badge Printing
[Visitor App] Badge Printing – Supported Printers and Printer Labels
[Visitor App] Badge Printing – Printer Setup
[Visitor App] Customize the Success Screen
[Visitor App] Notifications for Check-InsLearn how to benefit from the Visitor App's check-in notifications, ensuring the right team members are informed about visitor arrivals.
[Visitor App] Test Notifications
[Visitor App] Configure Privacy Settings
Use the Visitor App
Learn how to use the Visitor app.
[Visitor App] Log In on Your Tablet
[Visitor App] Check In and Check Out Visitors
[Visitor App] Check In and Check Out Members and Employees
[Visitor App] DeliveriesLearn how to record, track, and notify delivery arrivals for improved front desk efficiency and member experience.